FRP - Friends of Recreation and Parks
FRP stands for Friends of Recreation and Parks
Here you will find, what does FRP stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Friends of Recreation and Parks? Friends of Recreation and Parks can be abbreviated as FRP What does FRP stand for? FRP stands for Friends of Recreation and Parks. What does Friends of Recreation and Parks mean?Friends of Recreation and Parks is an expansion of FRP
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Alternative definitions of FRP
- Fiberglass Reinforced Plywood
- Fresh Water Bay, Alaska USA
- Fiber Reinforced Polymer
- Fiber Reinforced Plastic
- Fibre Reinforced Plastic
- Fantasy Role Playing
- Full Rate Production
- Fiberglass Reinforced Panels
View 74 other definitions of FRP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FRRCLVNV Friends of Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, NV
- FRAD Friends of Redbird Airport of Dallas
- FRA Friends of Rwanda Association
- FSCALESMA Friends of SCALE, Somerville, MA
- FSMCTH Friends of Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- FSLSP Friends of Sheldon Lake SP
- FB Friends of the Bay
- FBPL Friends of the Bay Point Library
- FBRP Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway
- FBWW Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
- FCRW Friends of the Cedar River Watershed
- FCR Friends of the Chicago River
- FCNY Friends of the Children New York
- FCSFC Friends of the Children San Francisco Chapter
- FCKCWA Friends of the Children, King County WA
- FCAM Friends of the Chinese American Museum
- FCCASN Friends of the City-County Animal Shelter of Nevada
- FCC Friends of the Cleveland Cascade
- FEC Friends of the Escarpment in Canada
- FFSW Friends of the Falls. Spokane, Washington